An opportunity of a lifetime!

 In Wallace Lake Blog

This year is has been quite a ride for all of us considering the current global pandemic and economic downfall as a result!

As most of the conveniences that we take for granted have changed for better or for worse we all must adapt to these new types of living.

One thing that hasn’t changed this year is the great fishing and opportunity to enjoy the outdoor adventure that we offer right in our Canadian backyard!

It’s not too late to call us and plan a trip for this summer, We have been open throughout the entire season for all of our services to Canadian residents following the regulations put in place.

Even if you or someone in your party is not an avid fisher, you don’t need to be to enjoy all we have at our camp. We have hosted many families and groups that are just looking for a getaway or to enjoy nature in a simple relaxing setting.

Let us know of potential dates that work for you and what type of adventure you are looking for and we will do our best to make a match!

Take care and stay healthy to all

Joe @wallacelakelodge

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