Spring fishing is almost here!

 In Wallace Lake Blog

With spring sloooowwwwly creeping around the corner it makes us excited for the upcoming fishing season!

At this date (April 5th) we are still a little ways from having an early ice out judging by the cool temperatures in the upcoming forecast.

Looks like lake levels will probably be higher than normal this spring due to the amount of snow in the bush and the spring run off. This is good news since we’ve been experiencing below average water levels in the previous years.

After taking the Super cub on skis up to the camps this late winter, it looks like everything is wintering well and we can’t wait to see the places again once the ice breaks.

With that is mind it is not too late to to reserve your stay in the 2019 season!

We can accommodate any group size from 4- 16 guests in a fly in outpost experience or a drive in lodge setting.

Just let us know what dates work for you and we can help cure that fishing bug, at any one of our awesome locations!

To all the guests that are booked with us already this year, we look forward to seeing you all in the next months to come.

Best regards,

The Hnatishin Family

Call- 204-755-3473
Email- info@wallacelakelodge.com

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