Welcome to the 2022 season!!!

 In Wallace Lake Blog

Welcome to our 2022 fishing season here at Wallace Lake Lodge & Outposts! After 2 years of covid restrictions, we are pleased to say that we are now operating at full capacity and happy to host people from across the map. We look forward to seeing all our returning guests and meeting all the new ones that are joining us this season.

What would the beginning of a season be without a few challenges, right? Late ice out, extremely high water levels, damaged docks and frozen water lines are only a few of the difficulties that we’ve come across. Luckily we haven’t had to postpone any trips and everything is operating as scheduled.

There are a couple new additions to the lodge and outposts this season to make your vacation more enjoyable and comfortable.

At the main lodge we now have kayaks in addition to the peddle boat for complimentary use with your cabin rental. Great to keep the kids busy or for the adults to take a leisurely paddle around the bay.

At Gammon river outpost we have put together a solar system with on demand water pump. This set up will make it simpler to have comfortable hot and cold running water in the cabin for convenience.

Of course we are always continuing to improve things to make your stay more comfortable at all the camps.

Now for the current fishing report!

With late ice out on May 12th the spawn was a bit later this year, but with report from the fishing crews on all lakes the walleye and pike are spawned out already at this point (June 2) and fishing has been ramping up.

Current water temp of Wallace lake and outpost lakes are 59.3 deg. F

Biggest walleye to date has been caught and released at Carroll lake measuring in at 27″

All other groups have reported great numbers of fish caught during each trip.

Still some room for the last minute trip planners!

Although this season is pretty busy, we still have some room for those last minute planners, Let us know of your interest and we will get you out on a memorable vacation!

drop us a line at 204-755-3473 or shoot us an email info@wallacelakelodge.com

All the best this summer and keep those lines tight!

-The Wallace Lake Lodge Team


(Pictured are Darryl & Tommy at the Wallace lake rapids – Joe & Cass’s kids)




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